Protocol and Project Documentation

  • Buttplug Protocol Specification
    • The Buttplug Protocol Specification contains the standard definitions of messages sent by Buttplug Clients and Servers.
  • Buttplug Developer Guide
    • The Buttplug Developer Guide explains the reasoning and patterns used to develop the Buttplug Protocol, as well as outlining the architecture of the reference library implementations. It also contains ethics guidelines for developing with the library, and an overview of protocol message usage.
  • Sex Toy Protocols I Have Known And Loved (STPIHKAL)
    • STPIHKAL contains the low level, product/brand proprietary documentation for sex hardware protocols. All reverse engineered protocols contained in the Buttplug libraries are documented here, as well as information about firmware loading and other device specific procedures.

Library Documentation

Documentation for language and platform specific libraries will usually be bundled with those libraries, or available via their project repo or website. For more information, see the libraries page.

Project Policies

  • Code of Conduct
    • Guidelines for how community (including users and developers) should conduct themselves when interacting with each other and project members.
  • Contributing Guide
    • Explains how NP Labs and Metafetish projects are managed, including SCM workflow, common utilities used, etc…